<%@Language=JScript %><% PageName="Jensen's Exchange"; %> <%=PageName%>


When in need of money, or good second-hand items, one often things of visiting a pawnshop. Near the waterfront is Jensen's Exchange, just what you need.

Melkeras Ventris the merchant (and occasionally his daughter Melisana) run Jensen's Exchange - a general store featuring most equipment items.

Located in

Stillmound Village <% EmitShoppingList("StillmoundJensensExchange", 0.8); %>
<% if(IsDM()){ %>

DM Information

Exchange rates are better than PHB here... Might become an issue
The shop has been taken over by NPC's from N4 Treasure Chest, the following information likely needs updated, or editied, or both.

<% } %>


Citybook II Port o' Call