<%@Language=JScript %><% PageName="Weaponsmith"; %> <%=PageName%>


As a weaponsmith you'll find that more often than not, heroes and adventurers will be coming to you for gear. While the workload can be unbearable at times, the riches more than make up for the back strain and ash lung.

Located in

Stillmound Village

Notable Features

An outdoor forge, with a roof overhead, and spots of ash floating in the air. You find Omarag Smiddag and his assistants. Grizzled and battle-scarred dwarf, Omarag will be glad to swap a tale or two of derring do on the battle field, but he won't lower his prices for you. Been there, got the scars and the loot... "I am helping you, but not out of the kindness of my heart..."

Items forged here will bear the mark (os)

<% EmitShoppingList("StillmoundWeaponShop"); %>

Other Notes

Mikhael has ordered 3 shurikens crafted, these (and three extra for inventory) will be done on campaign Day 7.
<% if(IsDM()){ %>

DM Information

Omarag might be able to provide a tip on where to find a good delve, should he be inclined.
<% } %>


image source
<% asyncSetBackground("http://ryan.skow.org/city/ironanvil/pics/front.jpg", "images/front.jpg"); %>