<%@Language=JScript %><% PageName="Stillmound Market Square"; %> <%=PageName%>


Located in

Stillmound Village


Notable Landmarks and Destinations

One of the stall owners complains that someone has been stealing chickens.

Trade goods

<% showItemDamage = false; showItemAvgDamage = false; EmitShoppingList("StillmoundMarketTrade", 1); %>

Other goods

<% EmitShoppingList("StillmoundMarketOther", 0.5); %>
<% if(IsDM()){ %>

DM Information

The generative force medieval cities is security. Most settlements begin in the shadow of strongholds, towers, castles, or great churches. Stillmound is no different in that respect, it just differs in what gives it security.
<% } %>


<% asyncSetBackground("http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/280/4/b/medieval_marketplace_3_by_svenart-d30a4eo.jpg", "images/marketplace_125b_f0dc6da7904c9980818ffb4d7870df4b.jpg"); %>