<%@Language=JScript %><% PageName="Butcher"; %> <%=PageName%>


Located in

Stillmound Village

Notable Features

The butcher shop is run by an adventurer named Toshi. He seems to have an unending supply of ice, and extremely sharp daggers. He also has a stock of different types of fresh meats that he is willing to ch0p and trim to order.

<% showItemDamage = false; showItemAvgDamage = false; showItemBuyBack = false; EmitShoppingList("StillmoundButcherShop", 0.5); %>
<% if(IsDM()){ %>

DM Information

<% } %>


<% asyncSetBackground("http://www.ibiblio.org/jimmy/folkden/php/images/Butchers_Boy.jpg", "images/Butchers_Boy.jpg"); %>