<%@Language=JScript %><% PageName="Brass Orchid Tavern"; %> <%=PageName%>


For a variety of liquid refreshment, served in a place of comfort and good cheer, adventurers find the Brass Orchid Tavern the only sensible choice.

Located in

Stillmound Village


Main bar, Family bar, Back room ( rentable in advance ), Grill (salty only), Latrines, Delow's Office, Delow's Bedroom, Celler, other misc rooms.
Delow the owner, Floy the bouncer, Lily, Ugly Bud the cook, Magda, Kali the cat
<% showItemDamage = false; showItemAvgDamage = false; showItemBuyBack = false; EmitShoppingList("StillmoundBrassOrchidTavern"); %>
<% if(IsDM()){ %>

DM Information

<% } %>

