%@Language=JScript %><%
PageName="Raxik the Priest";
<%= PageName %>
Short Description
Raxik the Priest.
Large lemon-yellow eyes. Neck-length olive green hair. Very slender build. Long-fingered hands.
Raxik is very strong, although you might not know it looking at him.
He is also very antisocial.
He tends to mutter curses to Vecna when startled or upset.
The party delivered a lead covered scarab to him in Miller's Tavern in Darkpool.
They offered to deliver something for him, and received a puzzle box in return.
When shaken, the puzzle box rattles, pehaps like uncut gemstones.
Raxik was originally generated using tools found
Raxik was last in Miller's Tavern in Darkpool, and if you need to talk to him, this is probably the place to start looking.
<% if(IsDM()){ %>
DM Information
The vampires from Stillmound sent the Scarab to him. Not much else is known about his intentions.
<% } %>
Generated the
name at seventh sanctum.
Image by Cellophasis